is to give liver a voice so as to foster healthy living and ageing.

The liver is responsible for over 500 vital body functions, yet only 5% of people1 are aware of its importance, as it is working in silence and shows no warning signs until it’s too late2.
Essentiale® is on a mission to raise awareness about the importance of liver health.
We provide a variety of solutions designed to support liver health, spanning from online risk-assessment tools to proactive solutions, and from screening devices to treatment products. Our dedicated efforts are focused on expanding our comprehensive range of solutions globally.
In 1953 in Cologne, Germany, the foundation of our brand was established when German scientists developed a highly effective liver care treatment called Essentiale®. The name "Essentiale" was an obvious choice because each capsule contains essential phospholipids, which act as fundamental building blocks for liver cells. This is the secret behind Essentiale's effectiveness, as the purer the essence, the better it aids in the regeneration of damaged liver cells.
Since those early days, our profound knowledge of phospholipids has steadily expanded through ongoing research. Today, we meticulously process 7.5 kilograms of soybeans to yield 1.8 grams of EPLs, the recommended daily therapeutic dose for an adult.
Unquestionably, we offer evidence to validate the effectiveness and safety of each Essentiale® product. To do so, we invest significantly in clinical, and real-world studies.
million people every year

Safety confirmed in
studies and recent real
world evidence studies
years of experience
OTC liver treatment
Today, Essentiale® is the #1 OTC liver treatment globally and every year, over 20 million individuals from more than 30 countries experience the benefits of Essentiale®.
Leveraging 70 years of expertise, Essentiale® is dedicated to championing liver health. We are diligently striving to investing in liver care science, delivering further solutions and globally disseminating them.
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As a leading authority in liver health, we are dedicated to raising awareness about the liver, this beautiful vital organ that profoundly impacts our overall well-being.
This commitment is of utmost importance in the present day, as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects 20-30%5 of the general population, with many individuals remaining unaware of this condition. In order to make disease name more comprehensive and acceptable to patients, worldwide medical associations have introduced recently a new name for the disease: MASLD (Metabolic Disfunction Associated Steatotic Liver Disease) and MAFLD (Metabolic Disfunction Associated Fatty Liver Disease) or simply metabolic liver disease.
The risk of MASLD significantly increases with underlying medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Nearly 70%6 of diagnosed NAFLD patients simultaneously experience at least one comorbidity. Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes face a 60%7 chance, while those with obesity have a 90%5 likelihood of developing NAFLD, emphasizing the strong correlation between these conditions.
Untreated NAFLD can progress into more severe liver conditions, yet the liver has the remarkable ability to regenerate. With over 70 years of expertise, Essentiale® prioritizes liver health awareness empowering people to take charge of their liver health and well-being by offering free screening, diagnostics and providing the world’s #1 treatment solution.

7.5 kg of beans must be processed to obtain 1.8 g of EPL, the daily therapeutic dose for adult person:
Essentiale® is the only liver care product that repairs your liver on cell level. The golden liquid contains high concentration of unique EPLs, analogues to liver cells. Essential phospholipids (EPL) contain a highly purified extract of polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC) molecules from soybean.
Are you 1 of 4 silently suffering from NAFLD?
Click here to take our quick online NAFLD self-check test.
The risk of NAFLD significantly increases with underlying medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Nearly 70%6 of diagnosed NAFLD patients simultaneously experience at least one comorbidity. Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes face a 60%7 chance, while those with obesity have a 90%5 likelihood of developing NAFLD, emphasizing the strong correlation between these conditions.
In alignment with our mission to advocate for liver health and amplify its importance, we have conducted Health Initiatives globally.
1 Only 5% are aware of NAFLD amongst subjects with suspected NAFLD
2 Source: Hartleb M, et al. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2022;34:426-434
3 Nicholas Hall’s global CHC database, DB6. MAT Q4 2022
4 Sanofi financial reporting, 2022 volume sales. Calculation is an estimation assuming every patient uses 2 packs a year.
(BMI > 25) in USA (Obesity association) - Source: Brand Plan 2022 (original source required)
5 Source: Polyzos SA, et al. Metabolism. 2019;92:82-97
6 Source: Maev IV, et al. BMJ Open Gastroenterol. 2020;7(1):e000341
7 Source: Dai W, et al. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96(39):e8179.
8 Through a digital informational platform, an online self-test and two “Drive Healthy” busses where anyone was offered the possibility to diagnose NAFLD in 16 cities.
9 Part of the Essentiale 4Liver Roadshow campaign