Na tej stronie opisano zasady i warunki korzystania z niniejszej witryny internetowej.
Odwiedzając tę Witrynę, użytkownik bezwarunkowo zgadza się na przestrzeganie tych zasad i warunków.
Ponieważ te zasady i warunki mogą być w dowolnym momencie modyfikowane bez uprzedzenia, zalecamy ich regularne sprawdzanie.
Właścicielem i dysponentem niniejszej witryny internetowej jest Grupa Sanofi-aventis. Układ Witryny i każdy z pojawiających się w jej treści składników, w tym znaki towarowe, logotypy i nazwy domen, są chronione obowiązującymi przepisami prawa dotyczącymi własności intelektualnej i należą do francuskiej spółki dominującej, tj. Sanofi lub jej podmiotów zależnych, lub ich wykorzystanie wymaga uzyskania zgody.
Żaden element Witryny nie może być kopiowany, powielany, zmieniany, edytowany, pobierany, modyfikowany, transmitowany lub dystrybuowany w jakikolwiek sposób, w jakiejkolwiek formie, w całości lub w części, bez uprzedniej pisemnej zgody Spółki, z wyjątkiem wykorzystania wyłącznie w celach prasowych, pod warunkiem zachowania zgodności z prawem własności intelektualnej i wszelkich innych wymienionych praw własności. Dozwolone jest wyłącznie kopiowanie fragmentów do użytku osobistego i niekomercyjnego, na osobistym komputerze użytkownika.
Na każdej legalnej kopii części lub całości zawartości Witryny powinno być zamieszczone następujące oświadczenie: „Copyright Sanofi - Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone”.
Legalnie użytkowane elementy tworzące Witrynę lub znajdujące się w Witrynie nie mogą być w jakikolwiek sposób zmieniane, modyfikowane ani fałszowane.
Firma Sanofi i jej podmioty zależne zastrzegają sobie prawo do dochodzenia na drodze sądowej każdego naruszenia swoich praw własności intelektualnej.
Information, especially financial, published on the Site shall not be considered as an encouragement to invest. It should not under any circumstances be interpreted as prospecting or as a public offering, nor is it an offer to subscribe, buy or swap shares or other securities in Sanofi and/or its subsidiaries concerned. The Company, draws your attention to the fact that financial information posted on the Site is regularly updated (if financial information is provided on-line).
The Site may offer opinions by experts consulted in a particular field in relation to the content of the Site or excerpts from press articles. Any such information solely represents the opinion of the expert consulted or the publication, and is not necessarily the opinion of the Sanofi Group. Any such experts are not employees of the Sanofi Group and do not receive any emoluments in exchange for Sanofi using their opinion. The Company is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information and opinions. Experts’ opinions reflect their own personal views and should never be interpreted as being the opinion or responsibility of the Company and/or Sanofi.
The Site also includes information on health, physical condition, the medical field and medical treatments solely for human use. Said information is published on the Site for information purposes only and is no substitute for the advice of your physician or pharmacist. The information should not be used under any circumstances to make a medical diagnosis of an illness or physical problem, or for prescribing or using drugs presented on the Site.
The Site is not intended to be used to report health concerns, adverse events or product technical complaints, or to ask technical or medical questions regarding sanofi products. In all instances you should refer to your physician or pharmacist.
Information, especially financial, published on the Site shall not be considered as an encouragement to invest. It should not under any circumstances be interpreted as prospecting or as a public offering, nor is it an offer to subscribe, buy or swap shares or other securities in Sanofi and/or its subsidiaries concerned. The Company, draws your attention to the fact that financial information posted on the Site is regularly updated (if financial information is provided on-line).
The Site may offer opinions by experts consulted in a particular field in relation to the content of the Site or excerpts from press articles. Any such information solely represents the opinion of the expert consulted or the publication, and is not necessarily the opinion of the Sanofi Group. Any such experts are not employees of the Sanofi Group and do not receive any emoluments in exchange for Sanofi using their opinion. The Company is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information and opinions. Experts’ opinions reflect their own personal views and should never be interpreted as being the opinion or responsibility of the Company and/or Sanofi.
The Site also includes information on health, physical condition, the medical field and medical treatments solely for human use. Said information is published on the Site for information purposes only and is no substitute for the advice of your physician or pharmacist. The information should not be used under any circumstances to make a medical diagnosis of an illness or physical problem, or for prescribing or using drugs presented on the Site.
The Site is not intended to be used to report health concerns, adverse events or product technical complaints, or to ask technical or medical questions regarding sanofi products. In all instances you should refer to your physician or pharmacist.
The liability of the Company or of Sanofi shall not be incurred by a third party site that can be accessed via the Site. We do not have any way of controlling the content of such third party sites which remain entirely independent of the Company. Moreover, the existence of a link between the Site and a third party site does not under any circumstances mean that the Company approves the content of that site in any way whatsoever and in particular the use that may be made of it.
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Please consult the privacy policy available in the footer of this website.
The Company strives to the best of its ability to ensure that information published on
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Consequently, and except for property damage resulting from gross or intentional negligence by the Company, the latter declines any liability:
The Company strives to the best of its ability to ensure that information published on
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Consequently, and except for property damage resulting from gross or intentional negligence by the Company, the latter declines any liability:
The components of the Site or of any other site are provided "as is" without any guarantee of any kind, whether implicit or explicit. The Company does not offer any implicit or explicit guarantee, relative, without limitation, to their market value or suitability for any given purpose.
You acknowledge (i) that it is technically impossible to provide the Site free from any defect and that the Company cannot undertake to do so; (ii) that defects may lead to the Site being temporarily unavailable; and that (iii) operation of the Site can be affected by events and/or matters that the Company does not control, such, for example, as means of transmission and communication between you and the Company and between the Company and other networks.
The Company and/or its suppliers may, at any time, alter or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, all or part of the Site to undertake maintenance and/or make improvements and/or changes to the Site. The Company is not responsible for any alteration, suspension or interruption of the Site.
Information included and published on the Site may include direct or indirect references to products, programs and services of the Sanofi Group that are not announced or available in some countries or some regions or that may be supplied under a different name and may be subject to regulations and terms of use that differ depending on the country. Such references do not mean that the Sanofi Group intends to sell those products, programs or services in your country. Refer to the Company or your Sanofi sales partner for any information about the products, programs and services available to you.
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